Pionner ProDJ-Link
Now Playing supports Pioneer CDJ-3000, 2000NXS2, 2000, 1000MK2, 900NXS models with ProDJ-Link.
You can use USB sticks / SD cards or Link Export mode with a laptop.
USB Stick
Connect your CDJs and Mixer to your router. If you also have a switch, connect your CDJs and mixer to the switch and connect the switch to your router.
Start Now Playing.
Link Export Mode
Connect your CDJs and Mixer to your router. If you also have a switch, connect your CDJs and mixer to the switch and connect the switch to your router.
Install Now Playing on a separate computer. Now Playing will conflict with Rekordbox when using Link Export mode. Start Now Playing.
Mixing modes
If you have a Pioneer DJM mixer, then you can will have the option to choose a mixer mode depending on your style of DJing.
Click on the cogwheel icon to go to settings then click "ProDJ-Link".
Smart Mixing Mode
Now Playing will update when you push a channel fader up for that track and that track has been playing for 2 consecutive bars. This mode will only be available if you have a Nexus 2 mixer connected.
Silence Mode
Now Playing will update when the previous track stops playing.
If "Enable On-air status" mode is enabled the channel fader must also be down before the track is updated.
The "Enable On-air status" switch will only be available if you have a Nexus 2 mixer connected.
Master Mode
Now Playing will update when the CDJs change master tempo. Your CDJs will automatically change master tempo.
You can also press the master tempo button on your CDJ if you want to update Now Playing manually.
Master Mode was the mixing mode used in Now Playing 1.0 if you want it to work that way.